MSafe is proud to introduce MPay, an asset streaming protocol that supports token vesting, payroll, and rewards distribution for DAOs and crypto-native businesses worldwide, built on @SuiNetwork.

MPay users can pre-set token recipients and token distribution rules. Through MSafe multi-signature account, the team can authorize the distribution of a certain amount of SUI native tokens in batches to specified wallet addresses. 

The ability to send tokens in batches allows users to systematically transfer funds according to a predetermined schedule, better catering to personalized fund management needs.

For token projects, adopt MPay to streamline payments to various stakeholders, including investors, community contributors, and team members, based on predefined vesting and unlocking schedules.

For DAOs with globally distributed teams, opt in for MPay for seamless payroll management. Establish compensation packages for employees and contributors once, eliminating unnecessary fees or hurdles. 

As a proud recipient of a @SuiNetwork grant, MPay has been through security audits by trusted partners in the Sui ecosystem @Movebit. 

Try it out at: More details on user instructions here: